Back to school, new classrooms, new schedules, darker mornings, cooler nights...September is here! In fact, it's almost gone! We have been busy with all that is going on, so let's catch up...
Ben has begun his last year of pre-school in a 4/5 classroom. He LOVES his new space, new teachers and new friends. In the last 3 weeks he has learned to write his name and successfully identify many letters of the alphabet. He has learned new songs, new social rules, read a lot of new books, painted many pictures and just grown a ton. It's amazing what a new classroom can do. I have seen more growth from him in the last 3 weeks than I did the entire summer. Simply amazing.
Tommy also started a new class - toddler 5. That is the oldest toddler room in the day care before they go upstairs to pre-school. He is with many of his friends from last year, but some new friends as well. He is growing up so quickly. He talks non-stop. In fact, sometimes he stutters because he wants to say so much but doesn't quite have the vocabulary to support it! He only runs (
walking is for wimps...), he has 2 new molars coming in, and he loves pasta. He's still a little guy, but totally healthy and cheerful.
Chris and I are back to our normal schedules as well - work, work, work during the week and play, play, play (with the kids) on the weekends. My mom once told me something that someone had told her - the days are long, but the years are fast. SO true. Our heads are busy and our hearts are full!
Checkin out the bunnies on the farm after apple picking |
New classroom decorations for mom! |
Painting his frog |
Daddy and Ben painting the Superman logo |
Ben's first real attempt at writing his name |
Sunday Fun day outfit : ) |
Bros learning how to spell |
Bros playing basketball |
Everyone on the tractor riding up to the top of the apple orchard! |
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