Well, not quite tiaras, but Tommy is a toddler and he loves to put things on his head. Lately he has discovered Elmo (with the help of the PBS kids app and YouTube videos. Not to mention the leftovers from Ben's Elmo obsessed days), and that brought back the Elmo earmuffs we got last year for Christmas.
Then it was the fedora hat that used to be Ben's, and of course the pots and pans that are so fun to play with in the kitchen. Classic. : )
Getting older means a little bit more freedom for mom and dad, but it also means a little more watchful eye since Big Bro loves to wrestle a little more now.
Fall brings a TON of leaves to our yard since we basically live in a forest, so there have been leaf piles to jump in and lots of yard work to ignore.
Everyone is happy and healthy and growing up fast. Catch them if you can!