We have been keeping very busy over the last week or so. Let's see...I am 28 weeks pregnant, so that officially puts me in my third trimester. I can't believe that Baby Cali #2 will be here in 12 weeks (or less). It's just crazy to think how much our lives are going to change. Ben really is in for the shock of his life. So are we, I guess!
So, to try to prep for the new baby, we got Ben a "big boy bed" and he's been doing his nightly reading in it before bed and then moving over to the crib. Hopefully he'll be in this toddler bed full time before the baby comes.
Our new schedule of day care on T/Th and Friday mornings is working out beautifully for everyone. Ben loves being over at Chrissy's house, and I get time to work at the camp office, go to the gym, clean the house, etc. Plus, it's good for Ben to get used to detaching a little bit. Monday mornings we have been going to the Little Gym, which has been great for us as well. Ben loves to go "upside down" on the monkey bars and the play mats. I love it because it's an hour in a padded room (literally) that wears him out and practically guarantees a 2 hour+ nap. ; )
What else? hmmm.... Chris is loving his new job and his office being close to home. He's been going to the city once or twice a week, and will travel a little bit next month, but he's been home a lot with me and Ben, which is amazing.
We are in a good space and excited for what's to come. Go Calis!
Ben in his new toddler bed. Loving it! |
Ben's latest master piece of art. Showing off his portrait of Sasa! |
Waiting at the kitchen window for Dada to come home. |
Haircut. He really did love it, I swear! |
Watching Dada do yard work from his bedroom window. Suzy stands guard. |
Texting on his Blackberry. ; ) |