Friday, February 24, 2012

Moving is the pits

Our move back to CT started almost two weeks ago when Ben and I flew home with Cory and Meggie to stay in Norwalk at my parent's house.  Chris was supposed to arrive a week later, but was delayed a few days by weather and pure tiredness from driving.  Yesterday he finally arrived and Ben was super excited to see his Dada.  "Dada! YAY!!!!!"

We finally were all together again and life was good.  For a few hours.  Chris called the mover last night to check on his whereabouts and quickly learned that he would NOT be able to move us in tomorrow (Friday) because he is in the hospital!!  He took a nasty fall and will be in the hospital until Sunday and can't get anyone to move us in until Tuesday.  The poor guy - I feel bad for him.  At the same time, I want to be in my own house!

So, we are making the best of it and driving up to Massachusetts today to visit with Mimi, Papi and Titi.  We are so excited to see them and have a nice long weekend together.  It's been way too long.  And, we'll get to see our new "uncle-to-be" Eric!  Congratulations to Eric and Mare who are now engaged.  As Ben would say, "YAAAYYY!!"

So, the moving saga continues.  Hopefully we'll enjoy the weekend and then get to move in our own place next Tuesday.  Fingers crossed!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Ben loves trucks but not the Sox...(?)

We spent the morning at Chrissy's house and Ben had a blast playing with all the toys, the other kids, and especially the trucks. We have to get him some ride on trucks ASAP.

Then uncle Jack came over tonight and tried to replace Ben's trusty old Yankee hoodie with a new Red Sox hoodie. As you can see from the picture below, I think Ben is a Yankee fan for life. ; )

Cranky toddler

What makes a cranky toddler feel better? Well, if you're Ben, it includes Cars on the iPad, a veggie pack and crackers, water and your bumble bee blanket. is good again!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

We miss Dada!

Chris starts his journey back to CT tomorrow.  Ben and I really miss him and are excited to see him in a few days.  In the mean time, we will Skype (with LOTS of JOY!) and watch Cars at extremely close distances...

Friday, February 17, 2012

Photo Booth Fun

While taking a "before" shot of my hair in preparation for my much needed haircut tomorrow, I came across these pics that Ben and I took on Photo Booth.  So silly...

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Field Trip with Papa

This morning Ben and I went to the Maritime Aquarium with Papa.  We saw lots of fish, turtles, seals, otters, etc.  But, the best part for Ben was running up and down the bridge to get to Papa on the other side.  See video below...

Monday, February 13, 2012

We're back!

We are back home. Actually, we are in the car on the way home... Ben was great on the plane. Thank goodness!!! It's been a loooooongg day but we did it. I need a nap! :)

Got some good pics of Ben on the plane and the sunset over NYC.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Headed east

Bye bye Colorado. We'll be back to visit. We're headed east tomorrow. See you there!!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

~Goin' to the zoo zoo zoo

...How 'bout you you you???~  (that's a Raffi song for those of you who don't have toddlers or who were not children of the 80's...)

We went to the Denver Zoo this morning and although it was cloudy and covered in snow, we still managed to have a pretty good time.  We saw lions, a cheetah, spotted hyenas, zebras and penguins.  It was a little disappointing to not see the monkeys, elephants or giraffes, but oh well.  Ben just wanted to run in the snow and ice anyway.  : )

Monday, February 6, 2012

Down the slide!

We will miss this indoor playground SO much when we leave.  There is nothing close to this where we live in CT. 

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Snow snow snow!

This week it snowed from Thursday evening through Saturday afternoon.  When it was all said and done we ended up with 21 inches (according to the internet...) but that probably only lasted an hour or so since the sun shines so brightly here that it started melting pretty quickly.

I found some boots in Ben's size (7 wide toddler) which is not easy to find.  And, they were on sale.  Sweet.  So this morning we took a snow adventure to test them out.  He loved the boots, but the funniest part to us was how he looked like Ralphie all bundled up in his snow gear!

In other news, I am 21 weeks today and feeling good.  Chris is traveling for a few days this week and then Meggie and Cory come out to visit on Wednesday - can't wait!!
Next Monday Ben and I fly home, which is a bittersweet feeling.  It's hard to leave the sunshine for the grey east coast, but we know it's worth it to be with friends and family again.  Life goes on...  Hopefully we'll get some great pics this week while Meggie and Cory are here.  We're going to take some fun adventures to Denver, Boulder, and the mountains.  Gotta get to the mountains before we leave!